
  • Books

    She was commissioned to write her first book “Phoenix”, an autobiography, in 1995 following the death of her son, and severe facial burns to her daughter, in a car accident.

    Her second book “From Dinner Date to Soulmate – Cynthia Spillman’s Guide to Mature Dating” is a witty self-help guide for the mature woman in search of a relationship.

    Cynthia is currently working on her third book, a critique of the dating industry, called “What’s Love Got to Do With It – The Vampire Squid That is The Dating Industry”.

  • Articles

    Cynthia has a regular column with Connexion France, where she writes about the emotional aspects of being an expat in France.

    Selected publications:

    Vogue, “Surviving the Loss of a Child.”

    Woman’s Own, “Still Standing” – a six-part series based on her own experiences of overcoming major and different forms of adversity

    Options, “Life Must Go On.”

    The Scottish Book Trust, “You Don’t Have to Suffer to Feel Good.”

    The Funeral Director, “It’s Okay for Things Not to be Okay!” – a three-part series for the National Association of Funeral Directors.

    Kings Court Trust Corporation, “How to Cope with Bereavement.”

    Dogs Monthly, “Hugo’s Canine Commentaries” – monthly column of life from a dog’s eye point of view.

    The Schnauzer Club of Great Britain, “Life with Lola.”

    Contributor to the book, “Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel:  Glasgow’s Most-loved Hotel”

    University of Bangor Centre for Mindfulness, “Mindfulness and Relationships.”

    Weight Watchers Magazine, “How to Date When You’re Losing Weight.”

    The Scottish Daily Record, “It’s Never Too Late to Find Love.”

    Saga magazine, “Let’s Talk Romance.”

    Platinum magazine, “Would You Try Online Dating?”

    French Property News, “From Dream to Reality” – a two-part series on my buying a house in Nice, France.

    The Scottish Catholic, “The Life Experience of a Religious Hybrid.”

    Currently relationship expert for, speaker, and monthly contributor to Mirthy.co.uk, a growing platform for mature people.

  • Blogging

    Cynthia has turned her hand to blogging, and of course she’s a natural!

    In her regular, pithy commentaries, she shares her pearls of wisdom on life, love and the universe.

    Be assured that she’ll sometimes be controversial, but hopefully her observations will be taken in a light-hearted way.

    All opinions are strictly Cynthia’s own!


  • Not just a dating handbook, but a friend


    This book looks at all issues around dating: how to meet someone, how to keep them and how to deal what comes with them. This is a book about change and hope. An essential read not only for those looking for a meaningful and lasting relationships, but also for those searching for insight and help in dealing with all relationships of any kinds - starting with oneself.

    Every page offers clear and practical advice for complicated and sometimes deep-seated issues related to finding love and keeping it. The messages are clear and often supported with real-life examples which put the ideas into context and make for fascinating reading. But be warned: Spillman doesn't pull any punches - everything she says is direct, honest and effective as well as inspiring. The book addresses the reality of ageing - sprouting hairs and all - but also, once the loss and physical changes have been appreciated, she offers hope, direction and joy from the process.

    – Ruby Soames

  • A great, useful read and fun too!


    I really enjoyed this book. It was written with passion and understanding, from someone who has obviously earned her badge of honour through plenty of experience, both personally and professionally. It is an easy, enjoyable read, with Cynthia's humour shining through, whilst not compromising on the abundance of helpful advice.

    She has the ability to make you feel as though she's really on your side and rooting for you, like a good friend; a positive, personal feel.

    – I. Pritchard

  • Funny, no-nonsense advice. A brilliant book!


    What a great read! This book struck a few uncomfortable chords and and made me laugh out loud in equal measures!

    I love Cynthia's no-nonsense approach. She tells it as it is, obviously from genuine experience and makes you realise that you can take complete control of your love life and find the ideal partner. I was the proverbial victim from my very first boyfriend. All the 'good' ones bailed out because they couldn't handle my neediness. If only I'd had this book in my 20s and learned to FLY (First Love Yourself).

    However, it's never too late as Cynthia has proven and I believe any singleton who reads this book will be armed with all they need to find the partner of their dreams. Thanks Cynthia! This is a hugely beneficial book.

    – Maggie Rose

  • A good read

    Reading this book was little bit like sitting down with a dear longstanding friend and hearing her say, a little brusquely, ‘what you need to do is…’. You listen to her, because you know she has helpful things to say, and because she has a big heart in the right place, but you pick and choose what feels right for you. It is a book that is full of good advice, good ideas and good exercises which will undoubtedly help and support us on the way to finding a new relationship.
    Read full review

    – Meriel Rose, The Mutton Club

  • Get this book and lose yourself in love and laughter and good advice!


    A very good and entertaining read. I know the author and her personality shines through the book. I can hear her voice talking - as if to me personally. Keep the book handy at all times and when you feel like the world is conspiring against you pick it up and realise that you are not alone.

    If you’ve read the book you definitely have the edge on others who haven’t!! Get a copy and boost your self esteem! It’s cheaper than a spa weekend and lasts longer!

    – C.D.P.

  • Enjoyable and hugely positive!


    The cover is as lively and interesting as the book itself! Great advice, practical and clearly from the heart! A book you could keep to dip into again and again.

    I am lucky enough to have found my soulmate after some ups and downs along the way but I wish I’d had this book during the downs as that’s when you need a unbiased voice of reason and lots of positivity. Loved it!

    – Carole Walker